I'm pretty sure I am in love with the color purple at the moment. So I choose to write in it. (Oh and the balloons in my picture are purple!) <--- p.s. thats me!
Remember back in the days when everyone had a Livejournal? And you felt left out because you didn't have one, so you created one. And then it was the only thing you did for years? And then you realized no one used it anymore, but you still did? And then you noticed that in college everyone had a blogger? So now you have one, and you are afraid it will be the same thing? YEP. That is me. haha. :)
I decided to create one because:
1.) I have lots to say, all the time. (most who know me, know I am blunt and I talk to much.)
2.) I need a place to yell my thought at, and this shall be it.
3.) It will be my escape from life place.
4.) So I can snoop on my friends and comment on theirs...DUH.
So After this point, I will start to talk. But for now, I needed and intro. And although I feel like this was a very LAME way to start off my little "blog" I am posting it anyways.