Changes in Life

Changes in Life

Friday, December 10, 2010

Wait... where am I going??!

20 more days until I leave for Myanmar. I am way excited!! except I have no idea what to pack! Maybe some T-Shirts, nice button down shirts, and long skirts? Oh and of course the sandals! I can't wait for this trip.

Its been a long time to prepare for this, and I get a little worried financially about it, but this adventure and journey is to go love and serve the people in Myanmar and also learn something amazing from them, gosh i am so excited to go meet the people I have been praying for. It fills my heart with Joy.

I am a bit nervous though too. Which is weird for me because I usually don't think and I just do. I am nervous because I know it will be such a change for me, and to go with people I love and care so much about and to see how we all handle situations together. I am also nervous I will fall so in love with the country it would be enough time before we have to leave.

But with all that said, if ANY one reads this blog please pray for these things:
1. The hearts of everyone on my team, getting ready to leave and prepare.
2. The Myanmar people who will be with us and their hearts.
3. Ako's Orphanage
3. Going and holding services in illegal churches (because Myanmar is a Buddhist country)
4. Financial stuff to come in before we leave.
5. And a safe Journey.

I love you guys! :) Can't wait to update you all with what is going on with the Myanmar trip and everything you all have supported me in! Oh and a special shout out to all my friends at work! Thank you so much for buying beanies! You helped us raise a little around 300 dollars! THE BEST CO-WORKERS EVER!!


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Smooched up faces make my day a bit better.

A cute little man walked into my life today. His name is a mystery to me, because he didn't have one, but he was so adorable and sucha lover I gave my heart to him. He sure is a cutie isn't he??!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

its growing all in these bones.

Please Make it go. Please make it all stop. I am living in so much fear. I need to find peace again.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Throns in the beautiful flowers

I have realized its painful to be real, to share, to experience with someone, with anyone.

But I think sometimes my story is too loud for some people to handle. That is okay, I have many who surround me who understand, who listen, you wont run far. They stick with me, they sit, they are still, they know LOVE. I don't want to sound prideful, saying my story is too "loud or intense" like I am something special, i am hardly that. But my life events are very unique, and have always been sprung up from lots of hurt, pain, and hard life decisions.

Thank GOD for Them.

Thats hard sometimes for people to get involved with. But it helps challenge me, it helps me love people who have REALLY LOUD stories, it inspires me. And I can promise I wont run away from those. I know how it feels to be let down.

I must admit though, I am finding it really hard to smile and stay positive through it all. I will keep trying, until I do reach a point of a break down.

But this is the beauty in life.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Hey up there... Excuse me... are you there??

Just when I think things are looking up, the world crashes down.

Where is God, I wonder sometimes.

Letter, Letters, and Meditation...Oh and some beanies?!

Well it is starting to get busy around here... well kind of ha ha! When am I ever REALLY busy? I don't like living my life in that way!

Anyways let me give you all a break down of what has been going on lately! I recently ran out of my 40 hour limit on Pandora, so goodbye all my indie scene chill music, and hello to the only 2 CD's I have on my computer... Taylor Swift and Ray LaMontagne! I know what a weird mix! But Hey maybe for the next couple of hours these two Jams can keep me preoccupied!

I recently just drove up to Northern California aka my beautiful home town. My Best friend Alie Marie Renton just got engaged to Handsome Christopher Scott! I couldn't have protected a more perfect matched made in christian world couple! haha! Chris is the boy who has set up this whole Myanmar mission team. I believe this is his 8th year going, and well Alie, is just my best friend in the whole wide world, thanks to her I am still going on with life, and well a bit stable, as stable as I will ever be. So Congrats you two city love birds!

Besides that I am just busy working on sending my last few Myanmar support letters! Want a quick sneak peak? Alright fine... I will show ya ;)

Wahoo! Thank Goodness those take up SO MUCH TIME! Actually I quite enjoy doing them ha ha, so why did I say thank goodness? I have no idea. I am weird.

Alie and Sadie (my best friend who is also going on Myanmar, and a friend going on the trip) are making Beanies, Flowers, and Little Crocheted Bows to get us some support money! $5 dollars for the flowers and bows, and $10 dollars for the beanies! We are also doing a after turkey day 5.5 K run with our church to raise money for our mission to Myanmar team! Want to purchase a beanie?? Here look at how AMAZING and TALENTED these girls are:

Crazy right? Want one? email me: I will hook you up!!!

Besides all that, I have been trying to practice some meditation, I think it will be good for my soul, stress, and to draw closer to God... Oh and maybe just help with my overall being.

Until Next Time I have something to say... Love. Love. Love.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Myanmar is a GO!

Dear all the people who follow my Blog, meaning maybe one! ha!

So after a lot of prayer and searching, My heart is with Myanmar. It has been two years that I have really thought about this, and I feel as the time is right, and it gives me something to look forward to while I suffer this last year in school. I am really excited, and I finished my Support Letters! If you are a fellow Blogmate/Blogstalker and would like to support me or pray for me, send me your address to: And I would be happy to send you one of my letters in the mail :) I would just stick it up on this Blog, but what happened to old fashion letter stampin' mail sending personal messages? I think I would like to keep that as something in History.

Besides that I am preparing my heart for this trip! I am looking forward to finally meeting the faces I am praying for and just experiencing the culture and to walk down the markets in the street! But most of all I am looking forward to building relationships and loving the children in the orphanage and learning from the Myanmar culture as a whole! It will be awesome.

Besides all that, here is a funny story for your pleasure:
Halloween us coming up and a few things have happened that are spooky:
1. I went to Knott's scary farms (a halloween haunted theme park where 13 scare houses are) and while walking through one, a monster threw his scissor hands around my neck, we posed for a picture and he kissed me... on my cheek! I turned and said "WOAH MONSTER is that allowed? and he said no, but I liked your cute Pony Tail." ha! AWESOME!
2. In class just yesterday I started seeing funny colored wavy lines in my left eye. I came to the conclusion that someone must have spiked my coffee that morning and now I was high and hallucinating. Yet that was not it. So I turned to my friend to see if she saw anything in my eye. But as I turned, my whole left eye went black, and I raised my hand in class and said "Umm I think I just went blind in my left eye." I walked my half-blind self to the Health Center, were I got a shot in my butt and a referral to an eye Doc. ALL and ALL I had some thing called a visual migraine. Very uncommon, but you get them from to much Stress...and I wanted to throw my stress in the wilderness and focus my life on positive thoughts in my world... Scary how that didn't turn out so good. Maybe I am turning into a Monster???!!

Chow Chow.