Changes in Life

Changes in Life

Friday, October 29, 2010

Letter, Letters, and Meditation...Oh and some beanies?!

Well it is starting to get busy around here... well kind of ha ha! When am I ever REALLY busy? I don't like living my life in that way!

Anyways let me give you all a break down of what has been going on lately! I recently ran out of my 40 hour limit on Pandora, so goodbye all my indie scene chill music, and hello to the only 2 CD's I have on my computer... Taylor Swift and Ray LaMontagne! I know what a weird mix! But Hey maybe for the next couple of hours these two Jams can keep me preoccupied!

I recently just drove up to Northern California aka my beautiful home town. My Best friend Alie Marie Renton just got engaged to Handsome Christopher Scott! I couldn't have protected a more perfect matched made in christian world couple! haha! Chris is the boy who has set up this whole Myanmar mission team. I believe this is his 8th year going, and well Alie, is just my best friend in the whole wide world, thanks to her I am still going on with life, and well a bit stable, as stable as I will ever be. So Congrats you two city love birds!

Besides that I am just busy working on sending my last few Myanmar support letters! Want a quick sneak peak? Alright fine... I will show ya ;)

Wahoo! Thank Goodness those take up SO MUCH TIME! Actually I quite enjoy doing them ha ha, so why did I say thank goodness? I have no idea. I am weird.

Alie and Sadie (my best friend who is also going on Myanmar, and a friend going on the trip) are making Beanies, Flowers, and Little Crocheted Bows to get us some support money! $5 dollars for the flowers and bows, and $10 dollars for the beanies! We are also doing a after turkey day 5.5 K run with our church to raise money for our mission to Myanmar team! Want to purchase a beanie?? Here look at how AMAZING and TALENTED these girls are:

Crazy right? Want one? email me: I will hook you up!!!

Besides all that, I have been trying to practice some meditation, I think it will be good for my soul, stress, and to draw closer to God... Oh and maybe just help with my overall being.

Until Next Time I have something to say... Love. Love. Love.

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