Bad News: My Poor little Mouse, Lepsy passed away, after a long and over drawn out sickness. No body knew what was going on, but I saw the pain in her face, and the way she just curled up in my hands. Poor girl. And Then Re-Re her BFF, snuggled up next to her the last 3 days. I came home to her in their wheel, laying side by side. Lepsy was now paralyzed from the back down. Her head and front feet were the only things moving. I picked Re-Re up, and laid Leps in a near by box. There she died instantly. It was bittersweet, watching her pass, but knowing the RE-RE her BFF kept her alive for so long. I cried, really, for hours. To try and stop, I cleaned my place, which got messy at least 2 hours later. But I gave her a nice little box, that C.J.'s mommy made, laid her in it, and put pretty pink rose leafs on top of her. Now Re-Re is all by her lonesome. And she crys, really, and its the saddest thing. Here are their last days together...
I love you Lepsy, you were beautiful and a great pet. I will miss you forever. And So will Re-Re.
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