Changes in Life

Changes in Life

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

MYANMAR (Burma)!!!!

So It is official! After turning my application in 3 days or so late and praying a lot about where I should be going this Christmas Break (London, South Africa, Or Myanmar) God grabbed my heart and pointed my in the right direction! The right direction meaning mapped out a plan for me: Stop One: Myanmar, Stop Two: London (when I graduate), Stop Three: South Africa (When I finally realize I need a life after I graduate). So here I am, it is currently like 2 days before October and I have been told that I am off to Myanmar with a Team of wonderful people!

Here is a little bit about the trip on our Facebook Page:

Check out the 2 clips up on the side bar! It gives you an idea of what we are doing, and what our mission is! I am stoked!

So more to come about all this ASAP! For now, I need to think of some good fundraising idea's (not only for me, but hopefully for the orphanage) and more details for all you wonderful followers! Until then I have loads of Psychology articles to read... YUCK!


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